Ooh… the smell of Hyacinths

Hyacinth orientalis is the species from which all our garden hyacinths have been derived – the dutch hybrids. All hyacinths are very fragrant and excellent plants for containers and pots.

With enough sweet fragrance of planted hyacinths to fill an entire yard, the Hyacinth bulb is a must for those with a nose for good smelling flowers. The tightly packed heads of the flowers give the plant somewhat of a formal look its first year in bloom. Reliably perennial, Hyacinth flowers tend to open with age, giving them an elegant but more relaxed look in years to follow. This makes them great for plant near entrances and walkways, as well wonderful additions to pots for indoor forcing. Not only does the fragrance of this flower make them wonderful for planting, it also makes them extremely repulsive to rodents and deer! So you can enjoy the beauty and scent of these flowers without serving them to the backyard critters for dessert!

One thing that I DONT like about Hyacinths: the bulbs contain oxalic acid  which can cause mild irritation to people with sensitive skin. I always end up taking off my gloves, then I end up touching my face… THEN I start to itch!  It drives me crazy, for a while.

This bulb definitely follows the rule of ‘bigger the bulb, bigger the bloom’!  They vary in height from 8″- 12″.  The blooms resemble lilac blossoms, with there many mini blooms called ‘florets’.  You want to be sure you plant them in well drained soil because they are susceptible to fungus rot.  Color choices range from white, yellow, orange, pink, hot pink, lilac, purple, and blue and they bloom mid spring.  (Wild hyacinths are found around  Greece and Turkey.)

If your very particular about your flowers, you may want to dig up your bulb after the foliage has died back.  They are hardy in zones 4-8, but they may split in the ground giving a smaller flower the following year.

I would love to plant some later, so that I would also get more to bloom a little later.  I would love to enjoy their scent longer.  …(Early summer my Korean Spice Dogwood blooms right next to my front door.. so at least I have that.)

Look for extra deals in late fall/early winter for cheap bulbs to buy for forcing indoors throughout the LONG winter (like here in Wisconsin)!  They are so easy & reliable!

It is almost April 15 here- which means I am almost sure of no more snow falls until November! Yeah for SPRING!   My Hyacinths have begun to grow too.  🙂


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5 Responses to Ooh… the smell of Hyacinths

  1. Nell Jean says:

    One of my favs forced mid-winter then planted out to grow on and bloom again in a year or two. Any planting of hyacinths is wonderful to me. Have you seen butterflies on your hyacinths in previous years? They are attracted to mine.

    • Gabrielle says:

      I dont think we have any butterflys around at this time of year- i would suspect that they love them- its so cold here in WI! you must be somewhere south 🙂

  2. PlantPostings says:

    Spectacular! Did you plant the Hyacinths in the last photo in a planter recently? I can’t imagine that they overwintered in that pot? What a lovely display! I love the smell and beauty if Hyacinths!

    • Gabrielle says:

      I believe the potted hyacinths was a picture taken from a Botanical garden.. cant remember. PS like your blog!

  3. Christie says:

    I really like it whenever people come together and share views.

    Great blog, keep it up!

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