Tag Archives: garden

New growth, new blooms!

Everyday- when its not raining- I take walks around to see what new flower bulbs are sprouting and now blooming!  Even though its often gloomy and dark because of all the clouds and so many days of rain (what is … Continue reading

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a mother and a gardener

  I have read many tidbits and quotes about how mothering is like gardening.  Gentle, tender loving care and nurturing…..  blah, blah, blah. I am not a “hard core” gardener.  I love plants, bushes, etc.  I love to plant, design, … Continue reading


My Spring has come!

This past Sunday it was 80 degrees in WI.  That has happened here in late May, but I never remember it ever happening in April.  I was just recovering from some horrible infection attacking my sinuses and lymph nodes- but … Continue reading


Ooh… the smell of Hyacinths

Hyacinth orientalis is the species from which all our garden hyacinths have been derived – the dutch hybrids. All hyacinths are very fragrant and excellent plants for containers and pots. With enough sweet fragrance of planted hyacinths to fill an … Continue reading



Weddings, showers, garden party, birthday, Easter… I have gotten calls for flower bulbs for a baby shower,  funeral, garden party, Easter and of course weddings in the last 3 months. My brother in-law and his bride recently gave yellow candies … Continue reading


Gardening with kids

  Gardening and outdoor projects are one way to help connect young people and nature.  Several studies have reported that gardening is great therapy for any age and also a help if they have ADHD or just plain lazy.  The … Continue reading

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Its Easy to be a Flower Bulb expert

Fall bulbs are to be planted in fall for spring blooms. Spring bulbs are planted in spring for summer blooms. Dig some holes or trenches, drop in some bulbs and wait for the big payoff in a few months!  Do … Continue reading


Glorious Gladiolus

Gladioli are named from the Latin for “little swords”, hence why some still refer to them as Sword lilies.   They have sword like foliage with tropical blooms.  I will continue to refer to these glorious gladiolus as “glads”.  They range … Continue reading


Done with Winter!

In Wisconsin it is quite cold- though it rained today- it will snow tonight!  I am so done with winter.  It has been a beautiful one, but I am done!  I am quite jealous of the people in zones 7-11!  … Continue reading